Dr. Emily Splichal
Job title and employer:
I am a first year podiatric surgical resident at
In addition, I am an exercise specialist. For the past 8 years I have been promoting healthy lifestyle and chronic disease prevention through exercise. I recently have started my own company called Catwalk Confidence which is a fitness DVD collection designed for women who wear stilettos. I have combined my passion for fitness and podiatric medicine through in these DVDs.
Definitely starting my own company, Catwalk ConfidenceTM. I am working with a business consultant who is helping me push the product in European and Asian markets and creating franchise rights to the workout. My training style is very unique with a special appreciation for the medical side of fitness, so by seeing my workout becoming franchised is an amazing accomplishment.
My passion for lecturing at fitness and medical conferences has taken me to many great cities across the
My interest in writing, fitness and medicine has brought me opportunities to write for some amazing journals and magazines. I am a staff writer for Fitness Magazine, as well as various fitness websites and journals.
What career successes are you most proud of having achieved?
I am most proud of:
· My first publication in a medical journal
· Acceptance to present at my first major fitness conference
· Completion of an independent research project that was sponsored by a research grant I was awarded
- Starting up my own company
· Acceptance to the Beth Israel Medical residency
In what ways are you making a difference in other people’s lives?
I am helping people understand the importance of fitness in controlling chronic disease and extending people’s lives. Many diseases can effectively be prevented or managed with a regular fitness routine. The research I have done on balance training and pilates training for diabetics with neuropathy, has effectively shown that fitness is effective at reducing falls in diabetics. It is my goal to get the word out about the importance of reducing falls in diabetics and elderly by adding pilates to their routine. I have had many clients who have come to me with high cholesterol, hypertension and diabetes and through our hard work are able to get off all of their medications and implement healthy diets and lifestyles, making them feel younger and happier.
What’s the greatest career advice you have ever been given? What advice do you bestow on others?
My advice is to definitely follow your heart. My education and career path was anything but straight. I had many hurdles to overcome but kept focuses on my dream to be successful and impact other’s lives.
Most people who had to achieve their dreams had to take a risk. As scary as it may seem taking that risk is necessary to move to the next level. In the end you will look back and realize that the struggles and long days/nights were so worth it!
What accomplishments – both professionally and personally – do you hope to have achieved 20 years from now?
Professionally I hope to:
· Have my workout franchised and available in the major European and Asian markets.
· I want to establish myself as a fitness expert/podiatrist who has a successful
· I want to continue my love for research by regularly lecturing at both medical and fitness conferences across the
· I want to open a wellness center that will enable me to continue my love for fitness and medicine
Personally I hope to:
· Be fully confident and proud of who I have become as a woman in medicine
· I want to continue to build my friendships and network in the
· I want to continue to be happy in my career and not think of my career as work but my passion
· Begin a family
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All business owners face certain challenges, but women, because of their gender, often have additional challenges and obstacles that their male peers are less likely to encounter. Working women who have children experience even more demands on time, energy and resources.
Women owned businesses
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